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Capgemini and VMware Cloud Orchestration Partnership

Software companies Capgemini and VMware have announced that they are extending a strategic partnership that will allow them to develop various solutions aimed at making both the management and provisioning of cloud based deployments easier than ever before. The two companies will join together to develop various cloud based solutions that extend Capgemini‘s existing service integration. Aggregation and orchestration platforms will also be improved, due in large part to the leveraging of cloud management offerings available from VMware.

The two companies have the shared goal to make ITaaS (information technology as a service) offerings easier to achieve for basic consumers than ever before. These new deployments will help improve the way users manage cloud services and allow for better protection of data that has been stored in the cloud, while also improving the overall “time to value” ratio for general cloud adoption purposes. The two companies released a joint statement indicating that the partnership reflects their vision of how information technology companies are evolving in the new era of increased emphasis on cloud based offerings.

Cloud based solutions have been completely transforming the technology sector in recent years. One of the most popular examples of cloud based services is cloud storage, which sees information stored on an Internet accessible server instead of on a user’s local hard disk drive. These types of advancements are increasing productivity and decreasing costs across a wide variety of different types of businesses and organizations.

Simply put, the partnership will allow businesses and organizations all over the world the ability to simplify the way they manage their existing cloud based services, while improving the overall quality of the services in general. Organizations will be able to quickly create and deliver new services while simultaneously upgrading their existing applications.

Capgemini and VMware representatives have said that these types of solutions are aimed at improving both the financial and service level management of cloud based platforms. They will begin to offer a dashboard with real time capabilities that will allow chief financial officers more transparency with regards to how these types of services are used and the current amounts of money being spent on them. .

The senior vice president of Capgemini, Raf Howery, commented that both the expansion of the VMware partnership and the introduction of new cloud solutions aimed at business is one integral part of both companies’ cloud orchestration strategy. Enterprises tools are being developed that will help manage the complex IT transformation in ways that are significantly easier than in years past. Additionally, the partnership and the services that arise as a result will allow these types of companies an easier transition into a cloud based world and will afford greater flexibility and increased simplicity with regards to the way these resources are obtained and used. Resources can be deployed across all types of environments including private, legacy, public and even hybrid. Howery expects that businesses will begin to see an immediate impact.